
Why you should start a breath practice

In case of emergency (or general frustration) use your breath.


Do you know that you are loved?

This is a love letter to you. Not the romantic variety, perhaps, but the all-encompassing holistic love letter that sees you from all aspects, what would be deemed as beautiful and what society would see as possibly horrific. Perhaps we know each other in real life and are steadfast friends. Maybe we are connected less […]

How To Pranayama

How to Practice Yoga Cooling Breath or Sheetali Pranayama

Learn how to calm your min and cool yourself off a bit and calm your mind by practicing this cooling breath, Sheetali Pranayama.


Hello Self-Doubt

Working through the emotion of self-doubt in real time through meditation. “Hi self-doubt” I see you and I acknowledge your presence.


How to Practice Box Breathing (Sama Vritti Pranayama)

Learn how to do Box Breathing, a Pranayama technique to calm your mind and your nervous system. Yes Please!

Yoga Yoga Studio

Review of Mountain Yoga Center in Big Bear

Mountain Yoga Center in Big Bear Lake, CA is a high-quality and affordable yoga studio catering to locals and visitors alike.


Let’s do a 40-day meditation challenge

Give yourself the gift of time with yourself. Join me in a 40 day meditation challenge.

How To Yoga

What to expect in your first group yoga class

Transitioning to group yoga? Here is my best advice on what to expect and how to prepare for practicing yoga in person.

Teacher Training Yoga

Review of My Vinyasa Practice (MVP) Online Teacher Training

Review of My Vinyasa Practice MVP Online Yoga Teacher Training program. Is MVP TT legit? Should you sign up for it? How long does it take?

How To Pranayama

How to Practice Ujjayi Breath

Learn how to cultivate and practice your Ujjayi Breath or Ujjayi Pranayama to warm your body and sharpen your mind.

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