Ayurveda Uncategorized Yoga

What is Dinacharya?

Learn about the Sanskrit word Dinacharya or daily routine. What specifically does it mean when someone talks about this?

Pranayama Yoga

Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercise or pranayama is an essential part of yoga and a way to release stress, create a sense of calm or energy in your body.


What is Yoga Sculpt and is it Really Yoga?

Yoga Sculpt is a relatively new idea that combines yoga poses and intention and pairs it with exercise moves and drills. Some classes use hand weights to build strength; other times, the exercise uses body weight alone. It usually follows a similar pattern to a vinyasa flow. Is Yoga Sculpt Really Yoga? It is similar […]

Pranayama Yoga

How to guide Pranayama or breathing practices

Learn how to guide others in Pranayama or breathing practices to help those around reduce their anxiety and calm their nervous system.


The Importance of Transitions in Yoga

Mind the transitions when you teach yoga or take a yoga class. The importance of transitions can not be underrated. Help keep yourself and your students safe as you flow through yoga asana poses.

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