Humble Flamingo Pose is not a strictly traditional yoga pose, but it can be pretty accessible and a lot of fun. This pose can be an appropriate level of challenge for an intermediate student. Also know while this doesn’t have a Sanskrit name, it is also referred to as Fallen Flamingo Pose.
How to Get Into Humble Flamingo Pose
As a teacher, when we look to sequence a yoga asana practice, it is helpful to ask, to get into the pose, what in my body do I need to strengthen and where do I need flexibility? The humble Flamingo yoga pose is both a forward bend and an arm balance. It requires a lot of strength in your legs and core, as well as strength in your shoulders, arms, and hands. This pose requires an open and flexible backline of the body, hamstrings, back, and neck.
So, thinking about this, these poses would be helpful to sequence into a class preparing for Humble Flamingo.
To open the backline of the body, hamstrings, back, and neck
- Seated Forward Fold – Paschimottanasana (single or both legs)
- Triangle Pose – Utthita Trikonasana
- Pyramid Pose – Parsvottanasana (maybe with a hand variation like humble flamingo)
- Wide Leg Forward Fold – Prasarita Padottanasana
- Half Splits (this pose mimics the posture quite a bit)
- Standing Splits – Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
- Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Revolved Pyramid Pose – Parivrtta Trikonasana
- Childs Pose – Balasana (Tenting fingers like Humble Flamingo)
Strengthen your Shoulders, Arms, Hands
- High to Mid Plank Transition – Chaturanga Dandasana
- Side Plank – Vasisthasana
- Dolphin Pose – Makarasana
- Mountain Pose (with block) – Urdhva Hastasana
- Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Crow Pose – Kakasana
- L Hops
- Wide Leg Forward Fold Arm Variation with arms extended behind and practicing like breaks mimicking arm placement of Humble Flamingo
Poses Strengthen your Core
- Boat Pose – Navasana
- Side Plank – Vasisthasana
- Dolphin Pose – Makarasana
- Bird Dog Pose Drill
- Extended Side Angle – Utthita Parsvakonasana (with both hands in the air variation)
- High to Mid Plank Transition – Chaturanga Dandasana
Build strength in your Legs
Build these postures into your yoga sequence to build strength in your legs. Strength will better support the pose, Humble Flamingo.
- Chair Pose – Utkatasana
- Horse Squat – Vatayanasana
- Single Leg Mountian Pose – Eka Pada Tadasana
- Eagle Pose – Garudasana
- Side Plank – Vasisthasana (Variation with top leg lifted)
- High to Mid Plank Transition – Chaturanga Dandasana
- Bridge Pose – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
How to Cue into Humble Flamingo
When it is time to get into Humble Flamingo, I like to cue it this way.
- Start in a forward-fold position
- Step your left foot back 18 inches, hips. Stay pointing forward
- Adjust your hands so your palms face the front
- Bring your hands a foot back towards the back of the room, fingertips on your mat
- Straighten your front (right) leg and bend your back (left leg). Your weight will naturally shift to your back/left foot
- Shift your weight to your front (right) leg
- Actively press into your fingertips into your mat
- Hamstring curl your left foot to your glute
- Tuck your chin/forehead toward your front (right) knee
- Squeeze your legs toward each other to find stability
- Relax and release tension from your jaw
- When you are ready to get out simply land your back foot and stand!