Videos on Breath Techniques or Pranayama

Learn how to do ujjayi breath

This video covers the basics of how to practice Ujjayi Breath. Read the full article on how to practice this breath technique to warm you from the inside out before you start moving your body or as you flow from pose to pose. 

Learn how to do Three-Part Breath

This video covers the basics of how to practice Three part breath or complete yogic breath. The breath technique relaxes your nervous system and helps to calm your mind. You can also read the article I wrote about this breath by using the link below. 

How to practice Alternate Nostril Breathing

This quick six minute video covers the basics of how to practice Alternate Nostril Breathing, also called Nadi Shodana Pranayama. You breathe in one nostril and then out the other. I also wrote and article about Nadi Shodana Pranayama.

How to practice Box Breathing

Watch this four minute video and learn how to practice the pranayama technique called Box Breathing or Sama Vritti Pranayama. This is a breath designed to calm your mind and slow your heart rate. 

Videos for your Vinyasa Flow

25 minute Yoga Flow

This is a vinyasa style flow suitable for beginners. Experience all the movements of your spine. There are no chaturangas in this class. It is helpful to have two blocks for this video (or very large books or water bottles for support. 

32 minute Yoga Flow

This sequence starts with seated postures.Then you will set up and flow through a yoga asana. Next you try on dancers pose on both sides.After that there is a cool down, ending with savasana (final resting posture). A strap would be nice for this class, but is not required. 

25 minute Yoga Flow

This yoga sequence is designed for people with wrist sensitivity. There are no chaturangas in this flow. The peak posture is eagle pose. Blocks would be handy to have as we set up standing figure 4 pose. While this was designed to get you off your wrist, please listen to your body and adjust as needed. 

20 minute Yoga Flow with Meditation

This yoga sequence is designed for meditation. It’s purpose is to center you and get your mind ready for a short meditation after the yoga asana practice. 

Yin Yoga Videos

Bed Yoga! 10 minute morning Yin

This is designed to do when You literally first wake up. If you have never started your day with yoga, honestly nothing is lovelier than doing while you are still a little groggy. This short sequence gently wakes your body up and gets it ready for movement.

60 minute Yin practice for Hips

In yin yoga you will hold poses for longer durations so grab whatever props you can find including pillows, couch cushions, blocks and blankets. This sequence is targeted to open up your hips. 

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